雅思口语近期热门话题 Part 3

近期口语热门话题 Part 3

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口语Part 3

Work, organizations

  • How would you describe the difference between being hard working and being hard hearted?
  • How has the Internet impacted the way we do business nowadays?
  • What are some of the advantages for employees that the internet offers?
  • What are some of the long-term benefits of having good employees for a business organization?



  • What is the most effective method of advertising in your country? Why is it effective?
  • Why do you think advertisers often include music in their advertisements? What purpose does it serve?
  • How has advertising changed over the years in your country?
  • How easily influenced are people by popular TV and internet advertising campaigns? Why do you think this is?


Helping people, Raising funds

  • How can children be taught the importance of helping others?
  • In what ways do communities help each other?
  • Are people nowadays more punctual than before? Why do you think that is?
  • How do organizations like the Red Cross raise funds?
  • In your opinion, are such organizations more effective at raising funds than similar smaller organizations? Why?
  • In what ways can this kind of fund raising help build international relations between different countries?
  • Why is it important for people to help each other?
  • How could children in school be taught the benefits of helping other people?
  • What are some of the advantages of formal schemes which offer help, such as apprenticeships or mentoring programs?
  • If you wanted to help someone at work, how would you go about suggesting it to them?


Happy marriage

  • At what age is it normal for people to get married in your country?
  • What is a typical wedding like in your country?
  • Why do think some people tend to spend a lot of money planning their wedding?
  • Many people are having fewer children nowadays compared to in the past? What has caused this change in society?
  • Getting married later in life is becoming a trend nowadays, why might this be happening?
  • What usually happens during a wedding ceremony in your country?
  • What do you think about couples which spend a huge fortune on their wedding? Why do you think that?
  • What are the typical roles of men and women in a marriage in your country?
  • Do you think that these roles have changed much compared to in the past? How have they changed?
  • What things make an ideal wedding in your opinion?
  • Do you think that couples get married younger nowadays than they did in the past? Why do think this is happening?
  • In your country, how do people typically celebrate a wedding?
  • Most couples spend a lot of money on their wedding. Why do you think they do this? Is it important to have a big wedding?


Receiving feedback

  • What do people generally think about receiving negative feedback?
  • When should someone give positive feedback to another person?
  • Is it good to be well-known by the public?
  • What are the some of the drawbacks and advantages of being a public figure?


Traveling abroad

  • What do people generally think about receiving negative feedback?
  • When should someone give positive feedback to another person?
  • Is it good to be well-known by the public?
  • What are the some of the drawbacks and advantages of being a public figure?



  • How has the way people use mobile phones changed?
  • Are there any aspects of life which have been negatively impacted by mobile phones? What has been the impact?
  • What do you think mobile phones will be like in the future? What new developments might appear?
  • In your country, what is something that most people perceive as a bad thing associated with mobile phones?



  • What do you think the government’s role with regard to art should be?
  • Do you think the government should do more to support art?
  • What are the main differences between the attitudes of young and old people to art?
  • What are some different forms of art which are popular in your country?
  • Should the government provide support for art and cultural activities?
  • Are older people more interested in art than younger people?
  • In general, do people in your country prefer music over art?
  • Do you think people in your country appreciate art?



  • How important is it for people to have goals to achieve in life?
  • Is it better to have one big goal or various smaller goals which are easier to achieve?
  • High achievers are often very successful in life. Why do think some people achieve more than others?
  • What are some of the ways in which people can make sure they achieve their goals in life?
  • How do you most people measure personal success in your country?
  • Plant / flower
  • Why do you think most countries have a national flower/plant? What purpose does it serve?
  • How important are flowers in your culture? When do people normally give flowers to other people?
  • Which flowers are most popular to receive as gifts? Why do you think that is?
  • If you had to buy some flowers, where would you choose to buy them? Why?



  • Do you think sports are necessary for everyone?
  • Which sports are popular in your country? Why?
  • How can children be encouraged to participate in sports?
  • What makes some sport so special that it can unite people?
  • Do you think people nowadays do enough physical activity?
  • What steps could be taken to encourage people to be more physically active?



  • In what ways has life in the countryside changed compared to how it was a few generations ago?
  • What kind of people might like living in the countryside?
  • Which things might attract people to move to the countryside?
  • Can you compare living in the countryside and living in a large city? What are some of the benefits of each?
  • What could be done to encourage more people to leave urban areas and move to the countryside to live?
  • What are some advantages of living in the countryside?
  • What changes have happened in the countryside compared to few years ago.
  • Do you think the countryside will change in the future? If so, how will it change?
  • What advantages does living in a city have over living in the countryside?
  • In what kind of situations do people leave the city and move to the countryside.



  • Do you think that inventions like the automatic washing machine have made people lazier?
  • What other inventions in the home have made people lazy?
  • What are some of the advantages associated with such inventions for the home?
  • What kind of new inventions might people want to have in their homes in the future?
  • Why do you think inventors are motivated to create new inventions?



  • Do you think people need to have a day-to-day plan?
  • Why do you think some people don’t plan their day in advance?
  • Do you think people can still do their tasks if they don’t plan them?
  • What are some possible advantages of using time management app for your phone to help you plan your time?



  • What are some popular advertisements in your country?
  • Why do you think people like these advertisements?
  • Do you like watching advertisements on TV?
  • How does shopping affect people?
  • Many people shop to look like celebrities, why do think this is?
  • What impact [positive or negative] does shopping have on society?
  • Do you think people prefer to buy things from large shops or small ones? Why do you think that?
  • What are some of the advantages of people spending their money on shopping?
  • How have people’s shopping habits changed in the last decade? Do you think these changes are good or bad?
  • How important do you think consumerism id for the local economy?


Social media

  • How easy do you think it is for the older generation to adapt to social media? Why do you think that?
  • In what ways does the use of social media by younger people and older people differ? Why do think that is?
  • Do you think social media in the future will be different from how it is today? What things will change?
  • What are some of the benefits of using social media platforms? Are there any drawbacks to using social media?



  • How early in life do you think children should learn to read?
  • How important is it for them to have bedtime stories? Why?
  • What are some of the difference between reading habits in the past and now?
  • What are some of the effects of reading e-books?
  • Do you think the reading habits of people will change in the future?



  • Do people tend to share good news or bad news with other people more. Why do you think this is?
  • How has social media changed sharing the news with other people?
  • Have you heard any good news from the international media recently? What was it?
  • How important do you think it is to be up to date with world news? Why?


New situation

  • Do you believe that people naturally learn from their mistakes? Why? Why not?
  • What are some things that people can do to avoid making mistakes when they find themselves in a new situation?
  • Why do some people not like taking risks? Is this a good/bad thing?
  • What is it about very extreme activities that attracts certain people?



  • In what ways are neighbors nowadays different from neighbors in the past?
  • How important is the local community where you live?
  • What do you think about the idea of forming national or global communities?
  • Why do you think it’s more difficult to form a community on such a large scale?



  • How important is it to have goals in life? Why?
  • Do you think that young people today set many personal goals?
  • Are the goals people have nowadays different from those people had in the past? In what way are they different?
  • What would be some good measures to encourage the younger generation to set and pursue their goals?
  • Which skills are important to help people pursue and achieve their goals?


Wildlife, Killing Animals, Protein Sources

  • Why do you think some people kill animals?
  • Does the government in your country make any effort to protect wildlife?
  • What does it do to protect it?
  • Is killing animals justified for the protein they provide for food and other things?
  • Are there any viable alternative sources of protein?
  • Are you concerned about the source of your protein?


High-paying job, Motivations

  • What are some ways in which workers can be motivated?
  • Do you think managers are good at motivating workers?
  • Why is motivation an important factor for workers?
  • In which field are the best paying jobs in your country?
  • What types of benefits do companies in your country typically offer?
  • What are some other well-paid jobs in your country?
  • What is your opinion regarding different jobs and the different payment received for doing them?
  • Is it possible to eliminate this kind of discrimination?
  • What are some of the motivational factors for workers to perform well in their work?
  • In your opinion, where does such inner motivation come from?
  • How do you think companies could improve the job satisfaction levels of underpaid workers?



  • How could children be encouraged to learn how to swim?
  • Should children be taught how to swim by their parents or by an experienced instructor?
  • Why do you think the government tends to focus on developing certain sports and not on others?
  • Is there any change in the way the government treats swimming now compared to in the past?
  • Do you think certain age groups should be subsidized to encourage them to participate in sports like swimming?


Café, Restaurant

  • In your country, are social functions normally held at home or in a place outside the home, such as in a restaurant or other place?
  • Do you like to invite people to your home or do you prefer to meet them outside somewhere?
  • Are there any advantages to inviting people to your home? What are they?
  • What are some of the reasons people might prefer to attend social functions in a venue outside the home for example, in a hotel or restaurant?




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